Welcome to our facilitation team! This page has been put together to support you with facilitating your first Humanizing Online STEM Academy. We know you’re excited and we also know you’re probably a little nervous. Those nerves are just evidence that you care and want to do a great job. Let’s lean into those feelings together, ok? You are not in this alone. You have a team of dedicated, supportive, caring educators that are here to support you.
If you have any questions, let me know. I sincerely want this to be a great experience for you.
Here are several things you’ll need to do to prepare for the Academy.
As Soon As Possible
Read the Facilitator Expectations
As a facilitator of the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, you play a pivotal role in our participants’ professional growth. In fact, the interactions you have with your participants are the most important factor in developing their equity mindset, changing their teaching practices, and adopting warm demander pedagogy.
Because facilitator-participant interactions are so vital, we developed these Facilitator Expectations. Please read them now and take a note of any questions you have.
Complete the Facilitator Info Form
The Facilitator Info form provides important information that we need to set up the Academy. You only need to complete this form one time.
2-3 Weeks Prior to the Start Date
Record and Submit Your Liquid Syllabus Video Clips
The Liquid Syllabus includes a welcome video in which each facilitator introduces themselves and recites a few lines about the course. This is a step that may need to be repeated, depending on who facilitates with you next time. Please follow the steps below.
- Review the Liquid Syllabus Video Script page to identify your script and how many clips you’ll need to record. Prepare a brief introduction for the first clip (keep it as short as possible).
- Locate a quiet outdoor setting where you can record each clip. Aim for a pretty location out of direct sunlight that is away from traffic and other background noise.
- Position your phone so it records in landscape (horizontal). mode — not portrait (vertical) mode.
- If possible, use a tripod or selfie-stick. Your phone should be slightly above the level of your eyes and your face should be well lit.
- Record each clip. Please leave a few seconds before and after you start to speak to make editing easier.
- Once the video is complete, follow these steps:
- Open this webpage on your phone (scan the QR code at the bottom of this page)
- On your phone, open the Submit Your Video Clips form. (This form will require you to sign in to your Google account.)
- Submit the video clips.
Attend the Facilitator Kick-Off Meeting
This meeting will be scheduled by your lead facilitator. It will introduce you to the Facilitator Guide and orient you to key tasks and dates.
Record and Submit Your Homepage Video Clip
You’ll discuss the coordination of this video in the Kick-off Meeting. The week one homepage includes a course tour video that begins with all facilitators saying, “Welcome to our homepage!” View an example. We’ll need your clip to edit into to start of the course tour video. This is a step that may need to be repeated, depending on who facilitates with you next time.
How to record your homepage video clip:
- Using your webcam or a smartphone, click Record
- If you’re using your phone, hold it so it records in landscape (horizontal). mode — not portrait (vertical) mode.
- Smile at the camera for 5-seconds
- Say “Welcome to our homepage” and
- Keep smiling and looking at the camera for 10-seconds.
- Once your video clip is complete, submit the clip using the Submit Your Video Clips form. (This form will require you to sign in to your Google account.)
Record your Equity Journey Video and Update the Meet the Team Page
Once you are added to the course in a Teacher role, go to Getting Started module and locate the Meet the Team page with your and your co-facilitators’ names in the title. On that page:
- Add your bio and a link to your Twitter handle (if you use Twitter for your professional growth)
- Add a photo of yourself
- Add a link to your Equity Journey video. Please be sure the captions have been edited for accuracy. View examples by: Kim, Mike, Maritez, Fabiola
During the Academy
Attend Weekly Facilitator Huddles
A weekly huddle meeting (in Zoom) will be scheduled and facilitated by your Lead Facilitator. These regular Zoom meetings are attended by all the facilitators for that particular cohort. They provide you with space to ask questions, get advice, share highlights, and get prepared for the upcoming week.
Grade Assignments/Discussions Promptly
Grading should be done regularly throughout each week. Grade assignments within 2 days of submission. Grade discussions within 2 days of the due date.
Send Warm Nudges
Track each participant’s engagement and reach out individually through the Canvas Inbox to check-in and encourage participants that need additional support. Reference the notes you took from the Getting to Know You Survey.
After the Course Ends
Submit Your Invoice
Fill out the Invoice Template (be sure to include your PO number) and email it to Justin Schultz at jschultz@cvc.edu.
Submit Your Professional Growth Reflection
After the Academy ends, you will receive a report of the Final Course Feedback responses from the participants in your group. Review and reflect on those responses.
Complete the Professional Growth Reflection form within 2-weeks of receiving the feedback responses. Receipt of this form is required to be considered as a facilitator for future cohorts.
View this page on your phone in a snap!
Scan this QR Code to open this page on your phone.
This grant project is administered by Foothill-DeAnza Community College District. If you have questions about this site, please contact the project’s Lead PI, Michelle Pacansky-Brock.